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The best way to fix all your skin issues! Everyone is talking about it. Microneedling with PRP is a painless, minimal-downtime facial that uses FDA approved microneedling device SkinPen to deliver platelet rich plasma (PRP) directly into the skin. Microneedling is an aesthetic treatment that can achieve natural rejuvenation of your skin appearance. Using the SkinPen™—a handheld device resembling an actual pen that is guided over the targeted area. This innovative technique creates micro-perforations in the surface layers of treated skin in order to catalyze the body’s natural repair mechanism through collagen and elastin production and growth factor release. Small micro traumas actually cause the skin to heal more efficiently with new skin growth looking smoother, younger, and more vibrant. Revive your skin by triggering your bodies own natural healing defense mechanisms. It works wonders on reducing acne scars, large pores, uneven skin tone, and fine lines and wrinkles.

Adding platelet rich plasma (PRP) from your own blood is one of the best anti-aging and restorative procedures out there. PRP or “liquid gold” is a concentrated source of platelets containing growth factors found naturally in your body that help stimulate the collagen regeneration process. During treatment, we apply PRP topically onto the face, neck, chest or other areas of the body to promote regeneration. This produces a more youthful, radiant appearance.. You'll likely notice brighter, firmer skin, too. Ideal results are achieved after multiple sessions. This collagen-inducing therapy can typically be used on all skin types for an array of common skin conditions, involving little to no downtime after treatment. Expect redness for 24 hours afterwards.


  • Micro-needling creates very minor micro-‘injuries causing a cascade of growth factors released triggering collagen synthesis which increases collagen formation and allows your plasma to be absorbed into the skin.

  • Platelet rich plasma has several growth factors that help restore collagen, increase new cell growth, and help increase cell turnover of the skin - giving a youthful appearance.


  • Increases collagen production which; restores lost volume, smooths acne scars and decreases hyperpigmentation, sunspots, pore size, fine lines, and wrinkles – leading to tightened and improved skin over 3 months.

  • Also known as Collagen Induction Therapy, this process is proven to restructure existing collagen fibers

  • Platelet growth factors are absorbed into the skin and help the skin heal itself by generating fresh cells, structural tissue and improving circulation to restore a more youthful glow


No, a very strong local anesthetic cream is applied to the skin 30 minutes in advance making your experience very pleasant. After the procedure, your skin may look and feel slightly sunburned for 24 hours. Make up can be applied 24 hours after procedure is performed.


Micro-needling with PRP uses your own blood plasma, thus minimizing the risk of any complication or allergic reactions. Risk of infection and skin discoloration is a VERY rare, but potential side effect. Bruising of the blood draw area may appear.


3 Days - sunburn look is gone, if PRP was injected, volume starts to dissipate

3 Weeks – New blood vessels begin to form, bringing increased blood flow for collagen to form

3-6 Months – Overall improvement of skin tone, texture, and reduction of fine lines

Many patients say they look TEN YEARS younger with 3-5 consecutive treatments

before your appointment

  1. Sun exposure and/or usage of a tanning bed, including self-tanning products must be avoided for a minimum of 24 hours before and after the treatment, preferably 1 week. Treatment within 24 hours of prolonged sun exposure (natural sunlight, artificial tanning booth, or sunless tanning products) may result in hypopigmentation (white spots) or hyperpigmentation (dark spots) that may not clear for several months or may even be permanent. A Micro Needling treatment will not be administered on sunburned skin.

  2. Area to be treated must be clean, and free of any lotion, makeup, and sunscreen. If you have any of these on, they must be completely washed off prior to treatment.

  3. Accutane and any other photosensitizing medication should be discontinued for a period of at least 6 months prior to receiving treatment and should not be used during your course of treatment.

  4. No area to be treated should receive any type of Chemical Peel for 2 weeks prior and after treatment. Retin-A, Renova, and Tazorac must not be used for 1 week prior to or after treatment.

  5. Waxing and/or use of chemical depilatories must be avoided for 2 weeks prior and after the treatment. Shaving is allowed immediately before treatment and 48-72 hours after treatment as long as there is no skin irritation.

  6. You may not be pregnant for this treatment.

  7. Notify the provider of any tattoos, including cosmetic tattooing and microblading, in the vicinity of the area to be treated as tattoos must be avoided.

  8. If you have a history of cold sores, we may recommend prophylactic antiviral therapy in the form of Valtrex® or Aycyclovir. If so, contact your primary care provider and follow the directions for your prescription.

  9. During the course of your treatments, notify our staff of any changes to your medical history, health status, or personal activities that may be relevant to your treatment.

after your appointment

  1. A sunburn-like effect is normal for 1-3 days. You will look and feel sunburned after the treatment. Severity of redness will depend on how aggressive the treatment was performed. The skin may feel tight, dry, swollen, and sensitive to the touch. The treated area may appear darker and the darkened skin may flake off within 1 week. Avoid picking or exfoliating the area and allow old skin to flake off naturally. Do not use exfoliating medications, chemicals, or products on the treated areas for at least 1 week.

  2. PRP should be applied directly to skin the evening of procedure. The morning after, Wash the treated area gently with a gentle cleanser or water. Apply Neocutis After Care or Biofirm, as much as needed for the next 24 hours. Avoid any products with parabens, petroleum, mineral oil, silicone, cetyl alcohol, and fragrance. Do NOT use alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, retinol (vitamin A), vitamin C or anything perceived as ‘active’ skin care.

  3. 24-72 hours post-treatment - mineral makeup can be applied.

  4. 48-72 hours post-treatment – return to regular skin care regimen. Retinol products are strongly suggested for optimal results.

  5. Sun exposure must be avoided for at least 24 hours after your treatment, preferably 1-2 weeks. If you know you will get incidental sun exposure, i.e., driving to and from work, walking from your car to the house, etc., we recommend physical avoidance of the sun in all treated areas, a protective hat and a full spectrum sun block of SPF 30 or higher. Neocutis full regimens and SPF products are available.

  6. No exercise that causes sweating, Jacuzzi, sauna, or steam baths if any skin irritation exists (usually first 24 hours). Sweating can be harmful due to bacterial that may cause infections and adverse outcomes. No swimming for 24 hours.

  7. Tylenol may be taken as necessary for discomfort. Ice packs may be used if desired to minimize swelling.

  8. Sleep on your back with your head elevated slightly to reduce swelling. Please change you pillow case so it is clean. We do not want bacteria to transfer into the micro-channels we hace created.

  9. Watch blood draw area for unusual swelling or signs of infection, and contact us immediately if you have any concerns.

  10. For best results and efficacy, we recommend a series of 5-8 treatments administered at 4-6 week intervals (Vampire facials 3 initial treatments). You may notice immediate as well as longer term improvements in your skin. Once results achieved, maintaining every 4-6 months is optimal.

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